Some secrets of Indian actor Shahid Kapoor

Some secrets of Indian actor Shahid Kapoor

Shahid Kapoor is one of the most popular and successful actors in the Indian film industry. He has made a name for himself with his versatility, charm, and acting prowess. Despite being a public figure, there are still some secrets about Kapoor that are not widely known. In this article, we will explore some of the lesser-known secrets of the Indian actor.

Some secrets of Indian actor Shahid Kapoor
Photo Collected: Indian actor Shahid Kapoor

Childhood Struggles

Shahid Kapoor had a difficult childhood, and he has often talked about the struggles he faced while growing up. His parents separated when he was three years old, and he was raised by his mother. His mother struggled to make ends meet, and Kapoor often had to go without basic necessities like food and clothing. Despite these struggles, Kapoor was determined to succeed and worked hard to make a name for himself in the industry.

Love for Dance

Kapoor is known for his dance skills and has often been praised for his fluid movements and graceful style. However, what many people don't know is that Kapoor is a trained dancer and has been passionate about dance since childhood. He has trained in several different dance styles, including hip hop, contemporary, and classical dance forms like Kathak.

His Nickname

Kapoor's family and friends call him by the nickname "Dodo." It is a childhood nickname that was given to him by his mother, Neelima Azeem. According to Kapoor, the nickname is a reference to his chubby cheeks, which made him look like a baby bird.

Vegetarian Diet

Kapoor is a vegetarian and has been one for most of his life. He has spoken about his decision to follow a vegetarian diet and has said that it has helped him stay healthy and fit. Kapoor is also an advocate for animal rights and has spoken out against animal cruelty.

Fear of Water

Despite his love for dance and physical fitness, Kapoor has a fear of water. He has often talked about his fear of swimming and has said that he cannot swim. Kapoor has tried to overcome his fear by taking swimming lessons, but he has not been able to conquer his fear completely.

Passion for Bikes 

Kapoor is a passionate biker and loves to ride motorcycles. He has often been spotted riding his bike around Mumbai and has even taken part in biking events. Kapoor owns several bikes, including a Harley-Davidson and a Yamaha.


Kapoor has been a mentor to several young actors in the industry, including his half-brother Ishaan Khatter. Kapoor has often spoken about the importance of mentorship and has said that he wants to use his position in the industry to help young actors reach their full potential.

Struggles with Success 

Despite his success in the industry, Kapoor has struggled with the pressure of fame and the constant scrutiny of the media. He has often talked about the toll that success has taken on him and has said that he has had to work hard to maintain a healthy balance between his personal and professional life.


Before he found success in the industry, Kapoor faced several rejections and setbacks. He has often talked about the difficult times he faced early in his career and has said that he had to work hard and stay committed to his goals to overcome these obstacles.

Shahid Kapoor is a talented actor who has achieved a lot in his career. Despite being a public figure, there are still some secrets about him that are not widely known. These secrets, however, only add to his mystique and make him an even more intriguing and fascinating personality.
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